
Doodler Juga Punya Masalah

Written by YESSIOW , Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

Cieee banget nggak judul postingan gue kali ini? wkwkwkwk

quote terindah wkwkwkwk

How To Make Monster On Doodle Art

Written by YESSIOW , Minggu, 10 Juni 2012

How To Make Monsters on Doodle

In my recent post I already posted on how to make a doodle. I hope it helps you guys with your improvement for your artworks as a young artist. But there is one thing. People asked me a lot about how to make monsters for your doodle. The thing is, doodle isn’t always about the monsters. You can draw any pattern or shape like Batik in the Indonesian culture, and you can add the impression of details for the doodles. But for me, I would prefer monster in my drawings. You know what, guys, it’s monsters. They have a lot of shapes and forms, that’s why they called it monsters lol.

In my artworks I would rather add monsters out of manga, or some cartoons these days like angry bird and doraemon. I am so inspired by Philipine doodler who creates and gathers the basic form of monsters along with their body parts. And then I came to made you guys some monster shapes so that it helps you whose really in the beginning of this. Remember, doodler has their own trademarks, now create your own trademarks. Trust your pen and imagination!

  • Monster Shapes

ini shapes dari monster-monster.
mungkin kalian bisa coba dari shapes yang gue kasih ini

  • Basic Eyes and Mouth
ini bentuk-bentuk mata dan mulut.
bisa lo kombinasiin satu sama lain.

Okay, that’s it for the article “How to Make Monsters on Doodle”. You can combine anything that flashes in your imagination. Don’t forget to create your trademarks!

Thank you!

How To Make Doodle Art?

Written by YESSIOW , Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

Hi it’s me again, Yessiow! By the title above I’m going to share with you guys how to do a doodle art. This is my style of doodling. Some of friends would like to start doodling but they have no clue where to start. And many of them ask me to make a video on youtube or start writing on a blog about how to create a doodle art. And recently, I just made a doodle so that the image could be a help in understanding the steps of how to make a doodle. Oh and don’t really be dependent on how my steps work, they’re just complementary. It is on you and your imagination and the harmony of the collaboration of your brain and hands. On my recent post, I posted the materials for the drawing right? Alright don’t forget it :p

Here, I am going to start by drawing a sketch. Actually, according to a doodler artist I admire, the real doodle art is the one without sketch, I mean that. It looks real with the spontaneous atmosphere and the raw effect brought by it. With or without sketch it’s still a doodle, that was just my view anyway ;).

Antara Tomcat Twitter Dan Unfollowers

Written by YESSIOW

  • Tomcat

Apa yang ada di otak lo setelah mendengar nama tomcat? pasti langsung terhubung sama penyakit yang aneh dan banyak di beritain di berita. tapi, kali ini beda sama tomcat yang gue maksud. tomcat yang gue maksud hidupnya bukan di lubang air atau di selokan. tapi di twitter. hebat nggak sih ada tomcat di twitter wkwkwkwkwk
awalnya gue sama temen-temen gue Anggun dan Dimas iseng menggelompokkan orang-orang yang ada di TL kita bertiga kedalam yang namanya tomcat. ada beberapa bahkan banyak orang yang sama-sama ada di TL kita. maksudnya, kalo gue follow orang ini berarti si anggun sama dimas juga follow.

gue sih sebenernya nggak sengaja memperhatikan tingkah laku mereka di timeline. tapi lama kelamaan kok rada mengganggu ya. . rada 'nyampah' menurut gue. walaupun sebenernya gue juga nyampah, gue tahu batas. nggak setiap gue online gue harus ngetweet. nah, beda sama tomcat-tomcat ini. kerjaannya ngetweet mulu. update berjuta tweet galau. atau tweet-tweet yang nggak penting lainnya. emang nggak salah sih, itu twitter juga twitter lo. aturan juga aturan lo. tapi fiikirin juga followers lo. nggak semua orang follow lo pengen tau update kegiatan lo. mungkin kalo lo jadi tomcat yang ada di fikiran lo "ihh salah sendiri kenapa follow gue kalo nggak mau TL nya ada yang nyampah" gimana misalnya kalo si tomcat yang minta followback ke kita? =)) apa berlaku pikiran yang ada di otak tomcat? lain halnya kalo kita yang follow tomcat duluan. baru deh pikiran itu berlaku. kalo ada yang minta follow back ya dengan senang hati dong ya kita follow back =))
gue sih lucu aja sama tingkah mereka. bisa jadi hiburan dan topik pembicaraan juga sih sama Anggun sama Dimas sama Adis. kadang gue sama mereka sampai ketawa ngakak karena ngetawain tingkah mereka.