How To Make Doodle Art?
Written by YESSIOW , Selasa, 05 Juni 2012
it’s me again, Yessiow! By the title above I’m going to share with you guys how
to do a doodle art. This is my style of doodling. Some of friends would like to
start doodling but they have no clue where to start. And many of them ask me to
make a video on youtube or start writing on a blog about how to create a doodle
art. And recently, I just made a doodle so that the image could be a help in
understanding the steps of how to make a doodle. Oh and don’t really be
dependent on how my steps work, they’re just complementary. It is on you and
your imagination and the harmony of the collaboration of your brain and hands.
On my recent post, I posted the materials for the drawing right? Alright don’t
forget it :p
I am going to start by drawing a sketch. Actually, according to a doodler
artist I admire, the real doodle art is the one without sketch, I mean that. It
looks real with the spontaneous atmosphere and the raw effect brought by it.
With or without sketch it’s still a doodle, that was just my view anyway ;).
First, you need to draw the sketch on the drawing
paper, use any drawer you like, but pencils is preferable just in case there
are mistakes it would be easy to erase. Make a starter of a monster or a
writing just like mine above so that it would be easy to connect the monsters
on your doodle.
nah sketsanya bisa kaya gini
Third, add some details. Like the name, details is useful to make your artwork more outstanding. You can add it anywhere as you please.
Fourth, bold the outline or the focus. Bold
the writings and the monsters for the focus. You can also rebold the outline
earlier, to give focus for the doodle as a whole.
![]() |
the result |
those are the steps, how is it? :) Remember, it’s only a
small tips on how I made my own doodles. You don’t have to follow all the steps
as you draw it. If you feel like your getting better at doodling, use your way
of drawing. J
you guys want to look on my artworks you guys can check them out on my instagram account
see ya!
kerenn :D
BalasHapuspengen bisa ngedoodle :) thanks infonya :)
BalasHapusayoo belajar! :D
Hapuskereen.. *belajar doodle*
BalasHapusmakasihhh :D
Hapusjatuh hati gue sama blog ini.
BalasHapusudah lama pengen belajar nge-doodle dan referensi pun dapat.
salam kenal, jeng !
hhaahhaha *ikutan jatuh hati* salam kenal juga bro! :D
Hapustertarik doodle. lucu*buru-buru mencoba*
BalasHapusterimakasih inspirasinya kaaaaak:D
Gue tuh seneng ngeliat doodle doodle kaya gini, pengen bisa cuman malas memulai nya, alhasil untuk doodle gue jadi penikmat aja deh.
BalasHapusbtw keren cewe bisa doodle
keren bgtz ka gambr'a.. pengen bisa tp aku'a gx bisa gambar.. -_-
BalasHapusehh.. btw follow back n kunbal blog gue dongse.. >>
blog lu udh gw follow..
lagi jadi doodler pemula nih, thanks banget ngasih banyak masukan nih :)) sukses ngedoodlingnya :))
BalasHapusGue kalo ngdoodle, dikit2 udh bisa. Bahkan tmn2 gue pd minta dibikin :D Tp kesulitan yg gue alamin tuh buat cari motif2, gambar2nya gitu.. hahaha...
BalasHapusIya aku juga , bingung cari motif ya sama gambar nodle ya
Hapuskeren broh! (y)
BalasHapuskira2 butuh brp minggu yah buat belajar gambar doodle :D hahah
Gila kak doodlenya keren bgt :D !!! Btw brp lama kaka bljr doodle dri gk bisa sampe bisa ?
BalasHapusmakin dalam masuk ke blog ini, jadi tambah kagum!
BalasHapusKetjeh! Ngomong2 nebelinnya pake Drawing Pen?
BalasHapusWuih...! Keren...
BalasHapusKereen, ajari lebih dong
BalasHapusNice... :)
BalasHapuskalo media nggambar nya lebih baik pake skecthbook ato kertas biasa?
BalasHapusJdi pengen blajar doodle ,maksih ya kak :)
BalasHapusGood :D
BalasHapusKeren banget... jadi terinspirasi ni dengan doodle nya thanks ya kk :)
BalasHapusOh gitu tohh cara bikinnya
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